Out and about in eastern Bavaria
/Lest you think all I/we do when traveling is eat pastries and enjoy a nice cappuccino, taint so!
It was delightful to spend time with niece Christina and her family in the small town of Hohenfels in eastern Bavaria, enjoying coolish but pleasant temps and sunny blue skies. Our visit just happened to coincide with the spring Volksmarsch, a yearly tradition in Germany that has been revived as COVID is on the wane (we hope!).
Joining the 4th/5th grade elementary class on the Hohenfels army base, a large group of parents and children headed out for our 10k walk through forests and fields. What a great way to soak up the local traditions.
Another of our outings took us to nearby Kallmünz to visit castle ruins and enjoy delicious pizza at a trattoria right along the Naab river. The view from the castle is picture perfect with multicolored buildings and roofs, grassy fields and distant hills.
On our way up to the castle
View from the castle
We had taken our time trekking up to the castle on an inclined road but once we were ready to descend we headed down a stepped, rocky path right into town. Christina and family had eaten at the trattoria before and knew exactly where to find it.
Delicious food, fun service and a great river view made for an oh so pleasant evening.
Naab river
A visit to Nuremberg was on the hit list so one day we trained in from Parsburg for a few hours of strolling, churches, castles, bratwurst and brötchen. I particularly enjoyed the flowers and gardens at the castle. A feast for the eyes and the soul.
Lest you think I’m willing to completely ignore pastries in this post, think again - I’ll leave you with these images from Munich’s Eataly and connect with you next time around.
Ciao for now.
Pistachio cream croissant
Petite pastries in the case
A view down the aisles