Mini Bostock and chocolate almond bread pudding (what to do with brioche that didn't turn out the way you thought it would!)

First let me explain. I have a new book (thanks to a Christmas gift card) entitled “French Boulangerie: Recipes and Techniques from the Ferrandi School of Culinary Arts”. Written by chefs at Ferrandi Paris, it “delves into the world of breads and viennoiserie”. It is chock full of classic techniques for creating breads, laminated pastries and so much more.


One of my projects was a laminated brioche loaf that didn’t turn out as expected. Hence the question - now what?? I certainly didn’t want to waste the end result since it did have a lovely flaky texture and buttery flavor (I used Kerry Gold for this one).

I’m not going to bore you with all the sordid details, but I had adjusted the recipe by portioning the finished dough to fit my longer, narrower loaf pan. The rolling and shaping process was interesting - cutting the rolled out dough into two lengths that were then folded again lengthwise and squiggled up to go into the pan.

Hmmmm . . . . interesting

After the rise it looked like some sort puffy smooshed monster. I was having serious doubts about this.


But . . . . . there may be hope! In spite of its unattractive appearance, once baked and out of the pan, the exterior layers were flaky and tasty!

hmmmmm . . . .

It was the sunken center that got me down.


Time to regroup! My thoughts turned to Bostock which I think of as the brioche version of almond croissants. It’s typically made using leftover brioche which is sliced, imbibed with simple syrup, topped with almond cream, maybe some jam or fruit, sliced almonds and baked. That’s it!

I proceeded to divide my odd loaf in half - one half cut into cubes for my mini version of Bostock and the other half smaller chunks that would become bread pudding (another favorite!)


For the Bostock: toast the cubes in a 325º oven for 10-15 minutes to dry them out a bit. They can better absorb the simple syrup dunking that comes next. Once dunked, set them on a wire grid over a sheet pan to drip a little.

Now pipe a swirl of almond cream, add a center dollop of jam (cherry-raspberry here) and some crushed sliced almonds on top.

Assembly in process


Ready for the oven

Bake at 350ºF for 20-25 minutes until the almond cream is set and edges golden.

All baked up

Once cooled, give ‘em a light dusting of confectioners sugar, just because. Enjoy as is with your morning coffee or afternoon tea. They keep in a covered container in the fridge for several days and do enjoy a 10 second or so refreshing warm up in the microwave.

Delicious bites of goodness

Next up - bread pudding! I’ve made various iterations of this luscious treat over the years, usually to use up left over croissants, brioche or other enriched bread.

As is true of so many things in the baking and pastry world, the base custard varies from recipe to recipe - could be all cream, half cream/half whole milk, less sugar/more sugar, whole eggs vs yolks or a blend of whole and yolks. You get the picture.

I’ve developed a general ratio for a tasty mixture. Here’s a good base recipe for a chocolate almond version I decided on.

Many recipes call for about a pound of bread cubes. I had ~1/2 pound of brioche to work with so I chose a 8”x8” square ceramic baking dish rather then a larger 2 quart 9”x13” one and halved the base recipe.

For this half custard recipe I used 1 cup heavy cream, 1 cup whole milk, 40 g granulated sugar and 2 large eggs plus 1 yolk. Heat dairy and sugar on the stovetop to dissolve the sugar. Have eggs/yolk in a separate bowl. Temper the warm dairy mixture into the eggs, whisk in 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract then strain into a pitcher or bowl. If not using right away, refrigerate it up to overnight - just whisk it back together when ready to use it.

Butter the casserole and layer 113 g / 4 ounces coarsely chopped chocolate in the bottom. Top with bread pieces then dollop on blobs of almond cream (around 3-4 ounces total for this half recipe), tucking in between and over the brioche cubes.



Ready for the custard

Pour the custard over everything, letting it settle into the nooks and crannies. Place a layer of plastic wrap directly on the surface and refrigerate for several hours or overnight. Push the bread cubes down every now and then to keep things well soaked.

going into the fridge

When ready to bake, heat the oven to 350ºF. Have an empty larger casserole dish ready, into which you can place your bread pudding dish. Fill the larger casserole with hot water about half way up the sides.

Remove the plastic wrap and generously sprinkle raw sugar over the surface.

Sugar sprinkled and ready for the oven

Place carefully into the oven and bake about one hour. Look for puffing, lovely golden color and the custard set.

Lift out of the water bath and place on a wire grid to cool a bit.

Puffed and golden - yum!

Oh so delicious! Served warm (and I admit a bit over the top with butter pecan ice cream, oat crumble and caramel drizzle), Steve and I were in heaven. We shared some with our neighbor Sandy and refrigerated the leftovers which keep well for several days.

And yes, we freely admit to savoring additional portions warmed from the fridge for a lovely winter treat.

Wishing all of you a belated Valentine’s day. Be safe out there.

Thanksgiving weekend

Just a quick post today to wish everyone a quiet, peaceful close to their Thanksgiving week.  It was a busy one here, yet with time to relax and slow down too.

I was happy to have received a number of requests for desserts and goodies from a handful of folks. Since pumpkin flan, apple-cranberry/caramel nut/chocolate ganache tarts, shortbread, croissant, pain au chocolat and croissant aux amandes were on my to-do list for others for the holiday, I kept my personal dessert offerings for family and friends on the simpler side.

On Thanksgiving day Steve and I traveled up the road to brother Dick and sister-in-law Dorothy's home in Douglas, Massachusetts for our afternoon meal which included a turkey breast roulade (good job Dor!), green beans, a savory cranberry orange relish, baked sweet potatoes, Steve's potato-Gruyere galette and Cathy's pearl onions baked in a bread-crumb-topped, creamy filling.  Everything was deelish!

For dessert I brought a small ganache tart, but I also took the opportunity to create another treat with components I had on hand.  I still had a portion of the brioche loaf from my King Arthur bread class, plus some crème d'amandes in the fridge and berries in the freezer, so it was time to make a berry version of Bostock!

After slicing, the brioche is imbibed in vanilla simple syrup and topped with berries, almond cream and sliced almonds. It's then baked at 350º for about 20 minutes until the almond cream is nicely browned.

Now some might consider this breakfast food, but it was so delicious warmed, topped with a dollop of Chantilly cream and served along side a petite slice of chocolate ganache tart - a lovely duo!

For another weekend gathering at friend Barbara's home I was in a maple syrup mood. Custards are one of my all time favorite desserts, so, after comparing a few recipes, I created my own version of a maple custard, baked in my favorite square ramekins.

I mixed hazelnut nougatine, chopped toasted hazelnuts and my own chocolate cookie crumbs as a garnish, and the crunch added just the right touch to the smooth, cool, silky custard.  Definitely a hit!

It's been a good week.  And away we go to December and 2015!